2011년 5월 26일 목요일

call for paper: 2011 Tsinghua-DMI International Design Management Symposium, Hong Kong


Design Management: Towards a New Era of Innovation

Call for Paper

You are cordially invited to submit your quality research outcomes to the “2011 Tsinghua-DMI International Design Management Symposium, Hong Kong”, which will be held on 3-5 December 2011 in Hong Kong SAR, China.

In a summit view, Design Management is the convergence of knowledge of design and management. Today, Design Management covers not just the practicality of design or the design process, but also business strategy and innovation. Design Management is the actual practice of design-thinking in business.

Over the last three decades, China has experienced the transformation from planned economy to free market economy, after which, the consecutive rapid growth of market. Today, China plays an influential role in the global economy, in the development of international trade. The enormous consumer market of China not only demands for the local productions, but also craves for the imported goods and services of all kinds from overseas. Along with the government’s advocacy of “Self-initiated Innovation”, design is the uprising enterprises’ endeavor in transcend from “Made in China” to “Created in China”. Design is affirmed as a driver of business innovation. Hence, the country is enforcing emphasis in the development of Design Management.

The Tsinghua International Design Management Conferences was initiated by the Tsinghua University in 2002. It is an extensive platform for the exchange between international and China design research, government and business industries. The upcoming venue, jointly organized by the Tsinghua University and Design Management Institute (DMI) and in concurrence with the Business of Design Week, BODW 2011 of Hong Kong, will further extend and build a platform for the collaborative development of Design Management across regional, national and international levels.

We earnestly encourage you to participate in this exciting opportunity. Under the theme of “Design Management: Towards a New Era of Innovation”, we invite various perspectives and research outcomes that may address the important topics of:

Design Management, Strategy and Innovation
User Studies and Market Research
Service Design and Business Model
Design and Brand Innovation
Design Management Education

For more details, please refer to "Track Suggestions "

Important dates for paper submission:
17 Jun 2011: Due Date for Extended Abstract
30 Jun 2011 : Acceptance of Abstract
01 Aug 2011: Due Date for Full Paper
31 Aug 2011: Due Date for Revised Full Paper

바람 - 흙 International Conference

Richard Buchanan / Service Design: Creating Whole Body of Design

Richard Buchanan 교수의 디자인톡입니다.
세계적인 석학과의 디자인톡 외에도 석사 학생들에게는
5시-6시 자유로운 대화 시간
6시 이후 함께 식사

시간이 마련되어 있습니다.

2011년 5월 22일 일요일

crowd funding

제품을 제작하기 앞서 seed money나 관심을 공유하기 위한.


2011년 5월 10일 화요일

상반기 게재 논문집 안내

- 디지털디자인학연구 (한국디지털디자인협의회) : 6월 1일 마감 (7월 25일 게재)

- 기초조형학 연구 (한국기초조형학회) : 6월 10일 마감 (8월 31일 게재)

- 한국디자인포럼 (한국디자인트렌드학회) : 6월 20일 마감 (8월 25일 게재)

- 디자인학 연구 (한국디자인학회) : 6월 초반 마감 (8월 31일 게재)

- 한국실내디자인학회 논문집 (한국실내디자인학회) : 6월 30일 마감 (8월 31일 게재)